Today was a good day!
This is a fabulous collection. Application on almost all of them was flawless. I apologize for any wonky cuticles, bits of fluff, stray glitter, ugly cleanup jobs and/or slightly longer ring finger nails *shakes fist* that you may encounter in the pics below. Get ready for overcast shitty day pictures galore!
First up is Designer De Better
This is 2 coats with no topcoat. The application was fabulous. This is a silvery champagne foil with pronounced pinky/peachy/bronzy bits in it. It reminds me of Zoya Crystal in a way.
Here we have Warm and Fozzy. Not the duochrome that many of us were hoping for, but still nice! It is a light brown jelly with green leaning yellow gold and pink particulates that make it look quite foily. This is 2 coats with no topcoat.
Here we have Animal-istic
This is 2 coats with no topcoat. It could almost be a 1 coater. I had a teensy bit of VNL so I decided to do a 2nd coat. If I had been more careful, it could have been a 1 coater for sure. This is a lovely orange leaning red. It looks like shimmery sparkly glass candy! Mmm glass candy *munch munch bleed*
Wocka Wocka!
1 coater! I did 2 for.. why did I do 2? Anyways this is a gorgeous deep vampy red. Vampy without being too dark. It has subtle shimmer and I love this polish. These pics make it look a lot brighter than it is outdoors. Truly I think it is somewhere in between the out and in pics.
This is 2 coats but it could have been 1. The consistency of this one is a bit viscous. It is a fuchsia pink jelly that is packed with microflakies that gives it good depth and bling.
Pepe's Purple Passion
This is another one where i used 2 coats but could have gotten away with 1. This one disappointed me really. It was promising. The polish is thick and I want to say.. silty? This is the only one I used topcoat on. Even with topcoat it is not amazing. Maybe it needs better lighting? It's a deep murky dirty dark red leaning purple with irregular shimmer particulates.
On to the glitters! I don't really need to say much about these individually. I layered them all because that is how I will wear them. For the most part they are all amazingly stuffed with glitter. The only difference being in FFoBA and GMPWI. We have a series of 4 coloured microglitters with medium silver hex. Getting Miss Piggy With it has the addition of red hex glitter. Excuse Moi is different, I will explain it when I get to it. All but Excuse Moi are 1 coat.
Divine Swine + OPI Can You Dig It
Gone Gonzo + Kleancolor Beach Blue
Fresh Frog of Bel Air + OPI Jade is the New Black
Gettin' Miss Piggy With It + Essie Geranium
Excuse Moi
This one is a pink jelly with rainbow glitter. It could use some topcoat, but I was too lazy at this juncture. 2 coats.
Rainbow Connection over Wet & Wild Black Creme
I am not normally down with the clown barf but I like this! Not terribly original but the formula is good and I like it damnit!.
All in all I do not regret purchasing this entire collection. It filled some gaps in my collection, the formulas are all excellent, the glitters are fabulous and I am spent. Swatching all frigging day is hard work!
Peace out