Saturday, September 10, 2011

OPI - Greenwich Green vs China Glaze - Cat's Eye

These are two of my spoils from my epic weekend in Edmonton with Moxie

Cat's Eye!

Pinky and middle are Greenwich Green

So the formula on these is fairly similar. Cat's Eye is a bit more sheer, but it builds up to be deeper and more golden. Otherwise, fairly dupey! This is 2 coats Greenwich Green and 3 coats Cat's Eye. I should have done 3 coats GG. Thx for looking! Pin It


  1. oh my! They both look gorgeous on ya! <3 I think I may just very slightly prefer Cat's Eye on you over Greenwich Green. Just slightly! haha

  2. I totally agree! It is deeper and more blingy. And I heart you!!

  3. Hmm. I think I need both so I can decide on my own! Bwaahaha! Like that's gonna happen. Gorgeous!

  4. Such a lovely polish!
